Monday, April 1, 2013

OVERVIEW of The Numbers (in Time)

What Numerology has to offer us has always been out in the open, and before, and, in every culture that we know of, Here, on Earth Time reality.   As symbols representing (x), in this ancient vibrationally based language system, Numbers have pragmatic information regarding mundane activities in Time, as well as supportive guidance for the unfoldment of Self-Creative Self-Knowledge in more perceptually expansive, and, non-linear terms.
Numerology is a language system that encourages withdrawal OUT OF TIME, and into the ultimate power of the Presence in NOW.
Numerology, as I study and practice it, is NOT about predictions as much as it is about an intimate Syllabus of Expansion, the effortless frequency patterns of Time-related growth processes, and, achievement of a Self-Mastered Time Presence en route to the Next. 
For anyone who is interested in learning this simple and Universal frequency language of the patterns of the reflective Time frequencies, the Numbers of Time offers a closer look at the Menu of YOUR Time adventures in a reflective Time "classroom" once you have calculated the overview of your Personal Time map , and,  Core Harmonics
Working with Private,  and, Collective Time Maps, via basic Numerology is just one way to understand the "room" in which you are engaging in, and, attempting to affect never-ending, Self-Created, Self-Evolution.  By practicing your personal Objectives and Expressions in full Source authenticity, Life, IN Time, BeCome MUCH more Fun and satisfying. 
THE DETAILS OF YOUR JOURNEY ARE UP TO YOU, and your trajectory path of opportunities (alternate Timelines) are immediately dictated by what you are THINKING, and EMOTIONALIZING, NOW, as a Frequency "emitter", and, the choice between reacting, and RESPONDING, as a Reflection Into the Time Mirror. 

If Time can be viewed from a more "mechanical" perspective, this basic "clock" of your Time experience, emphasizes, reflects, and, validates Self-Creative Self-Responsibility.   yOur own Intentional focus on more preferential "things" in your own Time Game participation IS the only "work" that is required for leveling Up to more wide open and welcoming options for experience when you CHOOSE to re-enter the Collective Time Games.  

This perspective of Numerology facilitates a broader, and certainly more LOGICAL overview of yOur Journey (in Earth Time mechanics terms) that supports newly budding perspectives about the opportunities that YOU have called to You for yOur own Joy, and Eternally expanding "education" as an Eternal Multi-Dimensional Creator BEing (EMDCB).   Engaging Self-Creative direction Into Time, through the Numbers/Symbols which express Your views of sequential progression, can assist you to learn to take one bite at a Time and find the Beauty and Joy INherent in each moment of Focus, rather than continuing to "expect", and, therefore CREATE, the worst case scenario, or, habitually chasing after lesser Love in the dark places of Self-denial. 
It's YOUR ride. 
As a Self-Authenticating, Self-Directing tool, NUMEROLOGY is an uncomplicated language that uses merely 9 numeric symbols, plus Zero, as it’s presenting "dialect " for the current Collective Time frequencies.  Reviewing historical/memorial data with it brings the bottom line INTENTIONAL data for any relayed event on a Timeline.   Numerology can show the deeper Intentional Truth of the Time cycle being examined, but it matters not, because there IS only Now.   And,  It matters not which cultural language symbols you use to represent the frequencies of 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, plus Zero- the essence opportunities within those base frequencies are the same in all cultures and calendars- on the planet. 
Off planet, and, NON-physicality Frequency Mastery, is an entirely different Insight, but, All are STILL One. 
The piling on of other frequencies in multiple digits, adds expanded Views and more details within the opportunities.   
The language of Numbers (in Time) is quite succinct and profound.  ALL Numbers In Time describe the palpable energy behind distortions of [beliefs] and behavioral habits and the balancing of cyclic Growth opportunities within a co-created reality. 
In our COLLECTIVE search through a reality that is readily perceived as a "physical" world, we continually expand our inquiries for cosmic answers.  THOSE ANSWERS are Self-Created.  And, so are the challenges, and, distractive devices that are designed to TEST Self-Creative focus resolve.   Gotta LOVE Team contrast, or, Polarity, since there IS no Other.  
All are One. 
We continue to SEE the overlapping of reSources, modalities, and varied methodologies of Self-discovery and personal Creative consolidation.   The Mastery of Self-Balance is highly recommended, and, evidently ENCOURAGED by the (All That Is), or, the infinite availability of such tools wouldn't be there for the asking and right in front of your face consistently.  
This Vibrational Language system is one of them.  And, from This translator's experience, is the base primer, or, the key that opens the View from withIn, gently and consistently, until choosing the Next level of vibratory Mastery. 

A PERSONAL FREQUENCY Translation portal is being built (yes, actually-, so that you can dig deeper into Your own Personal Numbers and Timing cycles, with more specific details of your own opportunities.   

In this ever-evolving Personal numbers subscriptions portal, You will have access to monthly PERSONAL Timing over-views, based on your PERSONAL YEAR, so that you can get the hang of how to see these cycles for yourSelf eventually, that includes examples and some tips on how to best utilize the frequency opportunities of your PERSONAL Participations which contribute to the Flow in the Collective Global cycles described in the General COLLECTIVE Frequency Translations. 
If you are interested in seeing the mechanical aspects of the SYLLABUS of your own learning experiences as an Eternal Being (playing around in Time), I would suggest that you calculate your personal core numbers, and your personal TIMING numbers, and use the basic definitions of the numbers and cycles provided within the general collective pages and posts available here, and, to observe Time-frequency patterns for yourself.  
Or, if you would some personal attention with Me, and Your Frequency patterns and opps, contact me to schedule a session (Here).  

I always welcome any respectful and constructive comments or questions, and invite you to LIKE, SHARE, SUBSCRIBE, etc... 

This is a Numbers in Time tutorial video that can get you going in the Flow...

Friday, February 22, 2013

NOVA: The Illusion of TIME

What IS TIME?   
How can we master our deliberate manifestational skills within it?
Can we transcend Time intentionally?

You can begin to learn the basics of the simple language of the Numbers (in Time) in the page tabs above with the links provided here.

NOVA: the Illusion of Time

OVERVIEW of The Numbers (in Time)

What Numerology has to offer us has always been out in the open, and before, and, in every culture that we know of, Here, on Earth Time re...